BECOMING WCB Safety Certified
The WCB Safety Certified Program helps companies develop and implement an Occupational Health & Safety Management System that meets WCB standards. Our WCB Safety Certified Accreditation is approved by the Workers’ Compensation Board of NS and recognized by the Nova Scotia Departments of Labour & Advanced Education, Transportation and Finance. Companies that have met WCB Safety Certified requirements have demonstrated their commitment to workplace safety & health by building a safety culture in their organization.
What are the benefits of having WCB Safety Certified Accreditation?
By implementing an effective OH&S Management System a company will understand the concept of loss control, thus reducing the potential for a serious preventable workplace incident / injury.
A company which has implemented an effective OH&S program will meet the requirements outlined in the NS Occupational Health and Safety Act. The NS Department Labour and Advanced Education, NS Department of Transportation and the NS Department of Finance recognize the SSNS Safety Certification.
WCB Safety Certified Accreditation provides the documentation necessary for companies interested in bidding on contracts. Government tenders and private organizations now require a company to have an effective Occupational Health & Safety program before allowing them to submit bids or proposals.
What is a WCB Safety Certification?
WCB Safety Certified is awarded to companies that have achieved safety excellence by developing and implementing an effective Occupational Health & Safety Management System within their organization.
To receive a Certificate of Recognition, a company requires commitment to occupational health and safety. The commitment extends past the slogan "Safety First" and deals with creating an atmosphere conducive to "Safety First". Components within a Occupational Health & Safety Management System include, but are not limited to:
Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee
Roles & Responsibilities
Safe Work Procedures
Hazard Identification
Personal Protective Equipment
Monitoring and Investigating
Record Keeping
How is a company evaluated for WCB Safety Certified Accreditation?
A company wishing to achieve accreditation must successfully pass the WCB Safety Certified approved Audit. There are 23 elements of evaluation which are mandated by the Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia.
Occupational Health & Safety Policy
Compliance Assurance
Detailed Responsibilities
Management Communications and Commitment
Training Management
Training On-the-Job
Training Orientation
Worker Participation/Safety Committees
Incident Reports and Investigation
Hazard Assessment
Work Refusals
Safe Work Procedures
Emergency Preparedness
Employer Rules
Contractor Health and Safety
Data Analysis/Objectives/Standards
Health and Safety Meetings
Maintenance Policy and Program
Management Performance Standards
Permits and Procedures
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)